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Sunday, December 22, 2024 at 7:47 AM

Don't Swallow the Gum

The late and honorable Rev. Tom Fred Tenny from the great state of LA. was one of the wittiest ministers in my lifetime.


He could say more in one sentence than many could say in a whole chapter.


Such a brilliant mind and his works do follow after.


June 2, 2018 God called this modern-day Apostle home but we will never forget his legacy.


One of his long-lasting statements was concerning how to handle praise from well meaning people.


He said, "Praise is like chewing gum, chew on it for a while, just don't swallow the gum."


Another one I well remember went along the same line and directed to those who pursue a higher learning.


"Get an education then get over it."


Quote end quote.


I have the honor when home and not abroad of representing our Mississippi Highway Patrol as one of their chaplains.


When I stand before them at those monthly devotionals I remind them they need more than that ballistic vest and that service revolver on their belt.


I tell them they are not 10 feet tall and bulletproof.


But rather they need the Lord's angel patrolling with them in that cruiser.


Satan has been at this a very long time of getting through into our inner circle.


He knows how to hurt us.


And his best tool or weapon is pride, get pride in us like it got in him.


It was his downfall, and he wants it to be ours.


Then in just the opposite direction, Satan also has a weapon called grief.


That's right, from pride to the other end of the spectrum, grief.


I heard another legend who lived among us, the late Rev. N.A. Urshan tell of a certain missionary who had done a great work abroad only to come home and turn into a recluse.

The man ceased circulating in the fellowship.


Bro. Urshan said he did not know the full story until he visited the site in the African country where the man had served.


The new missionary led Bro. Urshan into an overgrown cemetery and at the back of it was a tiny grave marker with this inscription, "Hush, weep no more. It's only until Jesus comes."


It was the grave of the former missionary's 12-year-old daughter.


Her brother and one of the local boys were handling the rifle the missionary carried when traveling to protect them from wild animals in the jungle.


As the girl walked in front of them it went off as the local boy accidently pulled the trigger killing her.


The authorities were going to put the boy in prison indefinitely but the missionary prevailed and kept him from being locked away.


With this gloom on him the missionary returned home to go into isolation.


Never judge another you don't know the full story of.


When I heard Bro. Urshan share this story, I wept as I am 8,000 miles from my 8-year-old only daughter and if something happened to her just the thought had me weeping.


Satan has one goal for all of us, make us curse God and die like he tried doing with Job.


One of my sisters, Ann, lost her little boy Paul as a toddler, burned to a crisp in his lower body from an accidental fire.


That's been over 50 years ago and she still weeps every morning looking at his enlarged photo holding his little guitar.


Nobody understood Job after the calamity of Satan hit, not his friends, not even his wife.


Job had chewed the gum of possessions for a while, but he refused to swallow it and allow those possessions to enter his soul.


Thus, after Satan took his best shot, Job could still say, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord."


Somebody needed this today.


You are not alone in your grief.


I for one join with you in my prayer and in this dialogue given by the God who still has healing in His wings who had me write just for you.


Chew for a while and enjoy the sweetness, just don't swallow the gum.


God bless you and God bless America.



