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Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 1:20 PM

Letter from the Editor: When someone plays the part a little too well

Even though Evil Queen wasn’t impressed with her name or costume, Berit’s daddy sure was.

By Courtney Warren

Let me tell you how evil the Evil Queen is. For spring break, my family made the long drive to Disney World. We stayed the entire week and rode roller coasters, woke up at the crack of dawn to get lightning lanes, saw princesses, and even saw one villain - the last villain we will ever see. 

Berit is six years old, and she is very tender-hearted, something I’m honestly very proud of. She is nurtured, encouraged to use her imagination, and always taught to lead with kindness. She is a kind little girl. No one has ever broken her heart. So, I should have known better. 

We secured a coveted dinner at Artist’s Pointe at the Wilderness Lodge resort, which meant we got to eat dinner in Snow White’s forest. Snow White and the dwarves danced between the tables, visiting guests under twinkling lights woven throughout the tree branches above our heads. 

Earlier in the day, Berit had gotten a makeover to look like Snow White. She wore a heavy red and gold gown, and her hair was up and done in a perfect bun, complete with a matching princess crown. I was surprised she chose Snow White, expecting her to go for Elsa. She was adamant that she wanted to be Snow White. 

That night at dinner, Snow White stepped to our table and was thrilled to see Berit’s dress. They chatted, they danced a bit, and she promised Berit they would play a trick on Grumpy later, since they looked so much alike. 

The Evil Queen was also at this dinner, but you had to be invited up to see her where she stood by an oversized story book. When it was our turn, I asked Berit if she wanted to go see the Evil Queen, and she said absolutely!

When we got there, she was immediately shy. The Evil Queen picked up on this and laughed at her fear. She said she didn’t like her hair bow. She didn’t like her Snow White dress. I get that – Berit was dressed as the Evil Queen’s enemy. 

But then she asked Berit her name. 

Berit mumbled, “My name is Berit.”

Now, some backstory is needed here. Berit is very proud of her name. She loves to tell people what her name is and what it means. Berit is a Hebrew word meaning “covenant,” and I learned about it as I studied the Isrealites making a berit (pronounced bah-reet) with God as they dedicated their first born children to do wonderful things for Him. While we call her Berit (pronounced bear-it), she knows what her name means and that it was chosen for her with all of the care and consideration her parents could give. 

Berit was nervous to talk to the Evil Queen, but, when she was asked this question, I saw her perk up. She said “Berit.”

The Evil Queen snorted with disgust and said “what an unfortunate name.”

Berit’s head fell. She stared at the floor. My mouth dropped open as I stared. I understand the importance of staying in character when employed by Disney, but I can think of about a million other responses that would have kept her in character. 

“At least it’s not Snow White.”

“It would be even better if it were ‘Evil Queen,’ but there can only be one, can’t there?” 

Anything. Anything would have been better! 

Berit is not a baby anymore. She pays attention to what people say, and she replays the words later as she asks questions. This was something that stuck with her the rest of the trip. 

It really got to me as I watched her face fall in that moment. I watched her heart break. For the rest of the meal, she whispered to me about the Evil Queen and how she didn’t understand why she didn’t like Berit’s special name. How could she say something like that?

Part of me wonders - if that actress knew how Berit felt, would she have said something to her? Would she have taken it back? Would she have apologized? Would it have worked? 

Apologies have always been really important at my house. We have been taught to say we are sorry and what we are sorry for, even if the other party refuses to apologize or own up to their mistake. Something that in itself can lead to heartbreak, but it really drives home that idea that our words matter. 

I apologize even when I’m not heard, even when I know I’ll be ignored. Because even if you don’t think you’re wrong or even if you’re in character, you still hurt someone. We weren’t created to hurt others. The good guys are supposed to win, and, for the good guys to win, they have to own when they aren’t being good guys. 

This was a great opportunity to listen to Berit and reassure her that her name does matter, and sometimes people say mean things for no reason. She was shocked! And, honestly, I’m kind of glad that she was. It means she doesn’t expect the worst in people. She walked up to the Evil Queen, whose first name is “evil,” and expected kindness. 

I’ll protect that part of her heart for as long as I possibly can. She sees the good - even when someone’s name literally means bad. 

As she continues to bring up that moment, I’m going to continue to remind her that the good guys win. That kindness, forgiveness, and love win. 

Will the Evil Queen ever apologize for being a complete jerk to my sweet Snow White? 


But she does die at the end of her movie. So there’s that. 




Seriously? 🤦‍♀️ 06/11/2023 09:29 AM
I'm guessing that "What an unfortunate name" is part of the Evil Queen's script regardless if the kid's name is Berit, Sarah, Ava, Katie, etc. I don't understand why you're s***cked that a person w***se job it is to stay in character as an evil queen said so***ing mean in character. I know you said you could think of other lines for her to stay in character wit***ut saying that, but wouldn't t***se lines have been mean too and also possibly hurt Berit's feelings? The exact same situation could have easily happened if she said so***ing else in character, and you'd be writing this exact same whiny drivel. 🤦‍♀️ Also, why is this on a news site? What is newsworthy at all about this?

ridiculous 04/19/2023 08:03 PM
this poor kid is gonna get a special awakening in the real world if their parents can’t teach them about actors, character roles, and sense.

op ***s 04/19/2023 08:00 PM
the queen was playing a part. doesn’t matter the name she probably would’ve said that same script anyways. it’s part of her EVIL QUEEN act. raising crybabies with no living context.

Susan Smith 04/17/2023 11:02 PM
I’m so sorry y’all had to endure that. I would definitely contact someone at Disney to let them know if you haven’t already. Berit, what a beautiful name. One that see can proudly carry throughout her life. Shame on the Evil Queen for not reading the room. Sounds to me she doesn’t need to be working with kids or at Disney.

Jason 04/17/2023 04:30 PM
I’m sorry that she felt that way but it was the EVIL QUEEN. People stand in line for a very long time, in both Disneyland & WDW, to meet her and be ridiculed. It’s an act. That’s why they’re called cast members. Please explain this to her. Berit is a beautiful name and just like with Snow White, the EVIL Queen was jealous. It breaks my heart that y’all weren’t aware that this was an act that hundreds each week participate in. So please remind her what happens to the, let me stress it again-EVIL Queen. I hope she’s able to go again and she’s able to participate and give it right back. There’s hundreds of videos on YouTube of The Evil Queen, or actually Wicked Stepmother, berating guests and the guests thoroughly enjoying it. Once again, Berit is a truly wonderful name! I love it.

FTK 04/17/2023 11:51 AM
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Parent of non snow flakes 04/17/2023 10:33 AM
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Adversity isn’t a bad thing. 04/16/2023 04:55 PM
You could also have used this as a teaching moment. Not everyone will like Berit, her name, her clothing, etc. Some people will say ugly things put of jealousy or spite, hurt people hurt people. Her worth is not in anyone else’s opinion of her. She cannot be sheltered forever and this would have been such a great opportunity to learn that.

Crybaby 04/16/2023 01:56 PM
Teach your kid resilience and to toughen up . Wait teach yourself that first. Bunch of cry baby adults in 2023

Wendy Smith 04/16/2023 09:49 AM
I'm a cast member with Walt Disney World and it breaks my heart that Berit's reaction was so misread by the Evil Queen. I hope the writer forwards this great piece to us. Every child coming to Disney has the right to feel special and when we fail to accomplish that we need to know.

Show white 04/16/2023 08:37 AM
What? Lol. This child is so special that she can’t handle the evil queen being evil? It’s in the name lol. Next time don’t meet the villains? It’s people like this that ruin it for everybody and they also only allow limited comments on the Facebook post. How dare the evil queen not know her name was *special*

Danielle Smith 04/16/2023 08:12 AM
That is why they do it by invitation. The evil witch doesn’t come out of character. You didn’t notice how she was with others?

Gail Poplin 04/16/2023 08:01 AM
This was a person playing a character. I’d venture to say she said that about everyone’s name. It’s part of her act. Instead of feeding into your daughter’s sensitivity I would have said something like “oh she really is an evil Queen” or “she must have thought you were the real Snow White”. You know, to show your daughter this was an act and NOT a personal attack on her or her name. I was berated while getting on Rise of the Resistance. I did not follow directions. It was part of their character. I was not offended. Yes I am an adult but I had no idea they did such. Please talk to your daughter and turn this around. Maybe even let her play the role of the evil Queen so she can “act” the same way. Use this as a teaching moment not one of hurt and sadness to continually focus upon so that’s all she remembers.

K.M. 04/16/2023 07:08 AM
Imagine taking your kid to meet a *villain* and being upset that they acted like a villain. And then writing an article about it. This generation of parents is…. Different.

Sick of whiners 04/16/2023 06:52 AM
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