Special to The Canton News
Canton Ninth Grade Academy staff joined the nation as it went red for women to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease and help save lives.
The American Heart Association National Wear Red Day’s goal is to help eradicate heart disease and stroke in women. The Go Red for Women Movement this year is asking everyone to “Be the Beat.”
According to the American Heart Association, “As we continue to settle into our next normal, we’re asking women to keep the rhythm going and Be the Beat. Wherever you are at in reclaiming your healthy rhythm - keep the beat going – turn up the tempo, set a new goal. And for American Heart Month this year, we’re rallying everyone in February to: Save A Life. Learn CPR. Why? Because losing even one woman is too many. Women who suffer from cardiac arrest outside of a hospital are less likely to receive CPR from bystanders. Be the beat for someone you love. Take the CPR challenge and save lives.”