Special to The Canton News
The Canton Lions Club began the year focused on serving the community. Comprised of approximately thirty members, Lions meet weekly at the Canton Country Club for programs from citizens and discussing projects such as assisting with city cleanup projects, giving support to the sight impaired, and providing aid as funds allow. The Lions say they are thankful for all of the support with fundraisers, such as the annual barbeque dinner, raffle ticket sales, and the spring golf tournament, which makes these services possible.
Again this year, the Lions Club will be offering two $1,000 scholarships to a senior from Canton High School and a senior from Canton Academy. Applicants must be a graduating senior of one of these city high schools, plan to enter an accredited college or university, be involved in extracurricular activities, and have a minimum 2.8 GPA, or better. Also, a 500-word essay is required.
Complete guidelines and an application can be obtained from the Principal’s/Headmaster’s office at each of the high schools.