By Courtney Warren
Recently, Canton Academy hosted the annual Beauty and Beau Who’s Who event, which serves as a fundraiser for the CA Yearbook Reflections. This year the yearbook theme is “What makes your heart sing for CA” featuring 1970s music aesthetics.
Led by the Reflections staff, participants were judged on beauty and poise. This year’s Most Beautiful was sophomore Amelia Rose Cook and Most Handsome was senior Heath Dodson.
Voted on by their peers, Miss Canton Academy was senior Reese Willis and Mr. Canton Academy was senior Samuel Wadford.
At the annual Canton Academy Junior High Beauty and Beau Who’s Who competition hosted by the Reflections staff, participants were judged on beauty and poise.
This year Most Handsome was freshman Adyn Reams, and Most Beautiful was eighth-grader Mary Alice Holmes.
Freshmen, Adyn Reams and Addison Cado won the student-voted award Best All-Around Junior High.