Congratulations to Caitlyn Nelson for being selected as the 2022-'23 Madison County Youth Leadership representative from Canton High.
Recognizing the importance of quality education and a well-educated workforce in the recruitment of industry, the Madison County Business League & Foundation and the Madison County Economic Development Authority are proud to sponsor the Madison County Youth Leadership program. The best and brightest all-around juniors from each of the Madison County public, private, and parochial high schools, plus Jackson Academy and Jackson Prep, were selected by their administration to represent their respective schools.
The Madison County Youth Leadership Class participated in Career Exploration Day on October 26, 2022. These students spent the day learning about the importance of networking and all the various jobs that are offered by companies.
The class toured several businesses and listened to respected individuals from the community talk to them about the importance of making connections and working every day to make their community a better place!