Special to The Canton News
The Canton Lions were hired again this year to park cars for the Day in the Country event, at the Chapel of the Cross on October 1, 2022. The Day in the Country committee has used the Lions to help with parking cars for the last 4 or 5 years. The day begins around 7:00, the gate opens at 8:00, and the Lions direct cars, take the parking fees, and keep the traffic moving until about 4:00 p.m. This year the weather was very nice, and there were more cars parked than any other year. President Tamika Liddell thanked Canton Lions Gary Teasley, Timmy Pickett, Arnel Bolden, Brenda Beale, Mike & Kathy Ozborn, Joy Foy, and Danny Murphy for working the event. A special thanks is due to previous Lions Club member and now Vice Governor Tom Corlett who joined in helping with the fundraiser. Arnel’s daughter, Brennyn also volunteered. The money this adds to the club helps in covering the cost for the 2023 projects.