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Monday, March 31, 2025 at 4:50 PM

Retirement is a Dirty Word

Retirement is a Dirty Word

By Malcolm Dykes


"If Over 50 Need Not Apply"


That's the title of a recent online news article I read last week and boy is that ever more the truth.


Even with 'Now Hiring' signs up everywhere, don't let that fool you.


 If over fifty need not apply.


Reason being when you cross the Mason-Dixon line of 50, you enter no man's land as far as being needed.


The article went on to tell why hiring agencies look past the golden age set to the more youthful and attractive younger set.


The reasons include:


  • Aren’t motivated
  • Don’t participate in extra training or career development programs
  • Are resistant to change
  • Aren’t as productive as younger workers
  • Don’t identify themselves with companies they work for
  • Are distrustful of other people
  • Have poor health
  • Will let their family lives get in the way of work


Even though the ones being passed over have more experience and are more settled minded, the HRs just scroll on when looking at possible applicants over the age of 50.


I have applied for hundreds of overseas jobs for the past 2 years and there is a generic 'no reply' email I get on a consistent basis.


"Dear applicant, thank you for your interest in our company and taking the time to apply for this position. Your skills and experience are most impressive but we have decided to look at other applicants at this time."


I've heard the expression by young folks, age is only a number.


It is until you arrive at that number.


Then it takes on a totally different meaning..


If over fifty, need not apply.


Recently, I told a much loved and respected minister four years my senior he needed to really think through retiring.


I told him fantasy vs reality is being considered here.


Fantasy says "Oh, it will be so nice to wake up to no demands on me, no hospital calls, no counselling sessions, etc."


"I can vacation 24/7 and have no pressure on me.".


That's fantasy.


Reality is when you hand over your title of 'pastor', you become a has been.


And if you have any good in you there is a need to be wanted and to serve.


That never goes away no matter how old you are.


You think a heavy workload is difficult?


The mental anguish of being unneeded and just an afterthought is much worse.


I strongly suggested he hold to his title as pastor as long as he could and let all his young buck ministers do a lot of his running for him because when you retire, you are forgotten.


Look. I am not whistling Dixie here.


Even in the secular world, name me one 'retired' celebrity or sports figure or politician that is featured or referred to by anyone or the media?


That's right.




Because if you are over fifty, need not apply.


I am one of the fortunate ones who has a young wife and beautiful daughter who worship the ground I walk on.


If the Good Lord called my beautiful sweet Flor home and left me a grieving widower and I even thought about remarriage, fantasy would say no problem.


You are still active, healthy and a handsome man the single ladies would adore.


That is until I look in the mirror and reality steps in.


Then I see this face with more lines in it than an Atlas road map, thinned grey hair and stooped shoulders.


Reality is cruel to one's self esteem.


It shouts at me, you are an old man that Father Time has done a number on.


So, to all you living on the wrong side of the Mason-Dixon line as I, take comfort knowing even though you and I are not in the fast lane of the needed work force, we have a God who loves us just the same.


He doesn't look at our resume and see our age and scroll on.


He loves us just as much today as when we were young and good looking. 


Yes, for whatever it is worth, if over fifty need not apply.


Retirement is a dirty word.


God bless you and God bless America.




