By Guest Columnist Joy Foy
The weekly programs for Canton Lions have included locals, state-appointed and elected officials, and numerous special interest presenters. Lions welcomed one new member, Cheyenne Stewart, in 2023. Canton High School senior Erin Nichols received a $1,000 scholarship from the Lions. Please, make note of this scholarship, which is open to all Canton seniors. One scholarship will be available to winners from each of the city schools.
Longtime Lion John McPhail died in 2023. The Lions are very grateful to the family for requesting that donations be made to Canton Lions in his honor in place of sending flowers.
Lions ended the year with local musician Frazier Riddell entertaining with Christmas music. A fun time set everyone in the spirit of the season.
Canton Lions invites you to join in the fun and civic activities for the New Year. Noon meetings are held weekly at the Canton Country Club. Please, come as our guest, if you have any interest in becoming a Lion.