By Guest Columnist Joy Foy
The Canton Lions started off fall helping to park cars for the Day in the Country at the Chapel of the Cross. This is one way the Lions raise money for their many community projects.
Dr. Cory Murphy, associate superintendent with the Mississippi Department of Education, was a program for October. He gave a handout listing ten benefits of being a teacher in Mississippi schools, including a Federal Loan Forgiveness program and up to a $10,000 bonus for achieving National Board Certification. He is very passionate about his job, and those Lions who know him personally are expecting to see him in an even bigger leadership role.
If you would like to become a Lion and be part of meeting new and upcoming leaders, networking with a diversity membership, and keeping abreast of the happenings in Canton, the Lions welcome you to visit on Wednesdays from noon to 1 p.m. The weekly meetings are at the Canton Country Club. Contact any Lion member for more details, or message us on Facebook at Canton Lions Club.