By Courtney Warren
Anna Grace Fulton, a current senior at Germantown High School, has fallen in love with photography, and photography in Canton specifically. After meeting Barnes Wadford, a recent Canton Academy (CA) graduate, Fulton began spending a great deal of time in the community, attending games and events at both CA and in the community. Fulton has even taken pictures for The Canton News.
“I came to senior night this past football season and thought, ‘why not bring the camera?’ and I’m so thankful I did! I started bringing my camera with me to all the football games for the rest of the year and to other events,” said Fulton.
After inheriting a good camera from her dad, Fulton found a passion for photography.
“I always loved taking pictures and editing them when I was younger, but I never really got into it seriously. When my dad stopped filming for the hunting network, I was grateful to have his nice camera to be my starter camera! I started working with the camera more and decided I wanted to do it seriously now,” she said.
Fulton has been known to capture special moments that don’t involve posing and saying “cheese.” She said, “my favorite scenes to photograph are sporting events, but I truly love to get the off-guard moments for all the mamas with seniors. Off-guard pictures are my favorites - because they’re the ones that mean the most.”
Fulton said one of her favorite aspects of photography is building relationships throughout the community.
“I love that I can work with whoever I’m taking pictures for and get exactly what they want.”
She added that she has experienced nothing but encouragement from those around her.
“My friends and family have all encouraged me to keep doing what I’m doing. Both of my parents have been so encouraging, because they can tell that I love doing it!
[Cantonian] Mrs. Jenny Wadford has also been a big part in my photography, because she’s made me feel so much more confident in doing what I do,” said Fulton.
With plans to go to Mississippi State University and major in kinesiology, Fulton said she will continue her photography business on the side.
“I really hope to go further into photography, because of the joy it truly brings to people. I hope everyone I encounter and photograph truly enjoys their pictures and loves them! In the future, I want to make my little business grow and become bigger than it is now. I do want to say thank you to all who have made some sort of difference and been extremely kind and encouraging. it means so much to me.”
For more information or to schedule a photo session, visit Anna Grace Photography on Instagram and Facebook.